Who we work with
In implementing the programs, ACTESA developed this structure about COMESA, Member States, Development, and Implementing Partners through Alliance Members in the following manner:
- FARMERS’ ORGANIZATIONS who are represented by regional organizations that include the East Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) and Southern Africa Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) as umbrella bodies. Their role will be to mobilize farmers and develop their capacities for effective participation in regional trade policy dialogue and program implementation;
- MEMBER STATES led support in decision-making through COMESA Policy Organs by providing a conducive environment for partners; This is mainly through the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environment of the Member States.
- COMESA SECRETARIAT provides the platform for the endorsement or approval of policy decisions by the Member States and for setting up the regional agenda. It also provides policy guidance towards the mandate and operations of the Alliance. In addition, the COMESA Secretariat plays a pivotal role in project delegation, resource mobilization, and assuming some of the legal obligations of the Alliance. Given the geographical coverage of ACTESA activities, SADC and EAC are important Alliance Partners;
- DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS / DONORS normally fund various programs, that support COMESA and ACTESA’s objectives, especially in as far as they relate to CAADP Pillars II and III; These Development Partners include B&MGF, USAID, FCDO, EU, etc.
- IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS including private sector associations, umbrella organizations of civil society and specialized institutions are the arms of the Alliance that are involved in the implementation of specific activities on the ground.