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Please click on the links on the right to access the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If you have more questions or for any clarifications, don’t hesitate to get in-touch with us.
What is the overall goal of ACTESA?
ACTESA’s strategic goal is to ensure increased integration and improved regional competitiveness of staple foods markets across the Eastern and Southern Africa region leading to broad-based inclusive growth and increased food security.
When was ACTESA formed and what is its Mission?
Created in 2009, ACTESA aims to integrate smallholder farmers into domestic, regional and international markets through an improved policy environment, expanded market facilities, services and capacity building..
What are the main programmes of ACTESA?
These include: the COMESA Regional Food Balance Sheet (COMREFBS), which will facilitate and ease the COMESA Regional Agricultural Commodity Exchange Programme (COMRACEP) operations. Other programmes include: the COMESA EAC Horticulture Accelerator (CEHA), COMESA Regional Fertilizer Programme (COMFREP), COMESA Biosafety and Biotechnology Implementation (COMBIP) and the COMESA Bioprotectants Harmonisation Programme (COMBIHAP).
What are the programme's target countries
Africa region
Who are the project target groups?
Smallholder farmers
Who are the project partners?
Some of the partners include: BMGF, AGRA, UKAID, EU
Programme Vision
To realise a robust, modern and prosperous regional agricultural sector within which all stakeholders have a high standard of living.
Integrate smallholder farmers into domestic, regional and international markets through an improved policy environment, expanded market facilities, services and capacity building.